My resolution

Letter to me,

There you go, I have made a firm decision to make a pact with myself.

For a long time at the start of the year or for my birthday, I have set myself goals and great resolutions. A few days later I find all the excuses and all the excuses to postpone everything I had planned. Time passes and nothing has changed…. And I find myself at the start of the next year or anniversary, wishing the same things ..…

But this is different. I decided to make a commitment to myself.

This idea came to me when a coach friend asked me, “Who is the most important person for you? “At the time, I thought of all the people I love and not at all of me … And when he asked me the question,” What about you? “That was the question that made me realize that I put everyone before me, and that in fact, I was absolutely not taking care of myself….

There is a saying that goes “Help yourself, heaven will help you” so it’s decided, from now on, I promise to take care of myself.

It begins by writing me this letter which is addressed only to me and which I will only read in a year to the day.

This message is a symbolic act to make a contract with myself and set my goal in writing.

So, through this written act of commitment, I make a firm decision to take care of myself and get rid of all those pounds that I have gained over the past 4 years.

Within a year, my ideal goal is to lose 18 kilos and if it’s only 15 kilos less, my goal has also been reached!

I therefore agree to:
– Pay attention to my diet: no longer skip meals, no longer eat anything, anytime, take the time to eat, eat balanced meals,
– Resume sport: to finally register in a gym to learn to box as I’ve always dreamed of, to go swimming every Saturday morning.
– To be more zen, and not to let myself be overwhelmed by stress and to eat chocolate bars to compensate
– To do everything in my power to feel good in my body and well in my head, calling on a coach, if necessary.
In short, just to take care of me …

Reading this letter, I have two possibilities:

– I can say to myself: “I have not kept my resolutions, I then undertake to honestly analyze the reasons and if I have really put everything in place to get more help and support in my process because it is is important for me to feel better about my body. “

– The other possibility and this is the option I want to keep in mind, I want to say to myself:

“Today I was successful in achieving my goal. I have kept my commitment and it makes me proud of myself.
I feel good in my body and good in my head.
I gained confidence and joie de vivre.
I am resourceful and confident in myself.
I feel in harmony with myself and I live as much as possible in harmony with everything around me.
In short, I love the person I am and I feel appreciated by others as well.
I’m happy to be the most important person to me, to pay attention to me and that’s good. ”