Message to my parents

My dear parents,

I’ve wanted to tell you a truth for a long time now, but I never had the strength or the courage.

I’m so afraid of losing you and that you hate me. It breaks my heart to imagine a life without you. I love you with all my heart and I’m afraid you won’t love me anymore. That’s why I preferred to keep my secret to myself.

But there you have it, you always trusted me, you raised me, gave me everything, you deserve to know. Today I make up my mind to take this risk, because you sacrificed yourselves for me, so that I didn’t miss anything. I owe you the honesty.

I made the decision to write you this letter after our terrible argument where I felt that a huge gap had grown between us.

You will receive it in 3 months, the time for the tensions to calm down a bit because everything has become very complicated between us recently. It will be 1 week before my 24th birthday.

Because yes, I am terrified of your reaction, I tremble and cry while writing these words but I know that I have to do it, I cannot live with this heavy secret any more and I owe you the truth. I am not happy.

I struggled for a long time with my feelings, my feelings. I did violence to myself to be the person you imagined for me, but here it is, I can’t do it. It is not me.
I am homosexual.

Your hopes for me of union with a “lovely young girl”, as you say, are now dashed.

I imagine you will be disappointed, that your world will fall apart, that you might even want to reject me, to forget about me … but for me you will be my parents forever, I would respect your decision if you never want to see me again.

But know that despite your decision, I will still love you very much because you gave me life.

I hope you will accept me as I am, and contact me to wish me a happy birthday, that would truly be the best gift I can receive.

I love you very much.

Your son.