Message to a person who counted

Dear Professor,

You will no doubt be surprised by my message and my audacity to address it to you.

I chose to have it issued to you on your birthday, just before you retire …

And yet, I haven’t forgotten that you hated being shown any kind of sympathy when you weren’t in your private circle. For you the most important was your work and your service.

But, don’t be mad at me, I really want to thank you because thanks to you, my life has taken a turn that I never would have considered.

I was an intern in your department and one day my emotions took hold of a seriously injured young patient. I did not know how to adopt the right attitude and You then sharply advised me to change my path if, as an intern, I could not control my emotions because in medicine, we are often confronted with insupportable.

I had felt offended, I had worked so hard to be among the best students and to get a job in your top department. I hated you back then for speaking so directly to me but, in fact, you did me a favor.

I got my medical degree and after a few years of practicing, I felt a feeling of weariness, helplessness and I couldn’t manage my emotions anymore…. I did a Burn -Out and I saw myself in front of you a few years ago and everything became clear: You were right, I was not made to practice this profession which requires more and more to be able to manage difficult situations , a lot of self-sacrifice and a total control of his emotions.

I recognize it now, I wanted to be a doctor especially to please my nursing mother.

As I write this letter to you, I will be training in medical journalism, and I have the ambition to create an innovative medical information site to help patients better understand their disease, and to empower them to ” be actors in the care process. When you receive this letter, my site will be created.

I am happy to now have a more serene outlook on life, in which I can also devote myself to my family.

Thank you Professor, for all the good you have done for your patients, for all the knowledge you have passed on to your students and also for your high standards and intransigence!

I would like to wish you a very happy birthday, Professor