With e-TellYou your message can make such a big difference…
It is essential to express what is important to you, what you want to tell to a family member, a friend, to someone who matters, etc. And to give more impact, more value to your message, it is also very important to choose the most opportune moment to convey it in several days, weeks, months, or even years.
next-generation time capsules to save your message today and deliver it into the future.
It’s simple. You select the most suitable solution, you design your written, audio or video message, you indicate the date of its delivery and designate your recipients. e-TellYou takes care of the rest!
e-TellYou is also great flexibility of use with the possibility of modifying recipient data and the date of issue.
e-TellYou c’est l‘assurance d’une triple garantie !
The confidentiality of your message and delivery data
The conservation of your message on a secure platform, a real digital safe.
Respecting your instructions to send your message when and to whom you want.
Create your message
- The ClassicMessage sent later for more impact
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- The EssentialMessage delivered when you are no longer there
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Mensual Payment - The Personal BoosterMessage of commitment to you for success
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- The Stork MessageMessage addressed to a child, at the time he will be able to understand it
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